Recycled paper is paper that was made from paper and
paper products that has already been used and recovered. The waste
paper undergoes a process
in which it is made into new paper products. Paper that can be called legally
recycled paper has to include materials
that have been recovered after the initial manufacturing process.
There are three kinds of paper that are suitable as materials for
making recycled paper.
-The picture to the left represents Acid Free Handmade Recycled Paper. Photo is by Claudia's Creations.-
Mill broke is a by-product of paper manufacturing. Mill broke is composed of paper trimmings and other paper scrap during the manufacturing of paper and is recycled within the premises of the plant.
Pre-consumer waste is paper and a paper product that has been discarded
before it was ready for the end user. -The picture to the left represents Acid Free Handmade Recycled Paper. Photo is by Claudia's Creations.-
Mill broke is a by-product of paper manufacturing. Mill broke is composed of paper trimmings and other paper scrap during the manufacturing of paper and is recycled within the premises of the plant.
Post-consumer waste is material that has been recovered after being used and discarded by consumers. Paper that is considered suitable for recycling is called scrap paper.
Paper / Why Should We Recycle Paper?
The manufacturing of paper on an industrialized scale
has enormous effects
on the environment. The procurement and processing of raw
materials have a variety of negative effects on the environment.
Denudation of woodlands and exhaustion of water supplies are some of
these effects.
Manufacturing also has its own share of negative effects. These are often waste disposal issues. When paper and other suitable materials are recycled all these environmental impacts are reduced significantly.
Manufacturing also has its own share of negative effects. These are often waste disposal issues. When paper and other suitable materials are recycled all these environmental impacts are reduced significantly.
A major part of municipal waste is made up of paper and
paper products before the recovery of recyclable materials. Studies
show up to 35 percent of the weight of solid waste is made up of paper.
This means that any landfill in use can be used longer if waste paper
is recovered. This saving in landfill volume is especially
relevant today since landfill area is at a premium.
and facts
reported by the United States Environmental Protection Agency have
shown that there is a reduction in air and water pollution when paper
products are recycled over the manufacturing of new paper. Water
pollution is lessened by 35 percent and air pollution is lessened by 74
Recycling Paper / Can Using Recycled Paper be Advantageous?
In some instances producing new fiber as material for
paper is more economical and practical than recycling. Sometimes the
recycled paper costs too much to be of any benefit. At other times
recycling can result in using up more resources than it conserves. The
type of paper being recovered can be the difference between a
beneficial recycling operation and one that is more disadvantageous
rather than useful.
In some industrialized countries wood fiber and
recovered paper are equally abundant. Advanced recycling technology is
also giving paper producers more options than ever before. Often the
quality of recycled paper is close if not equal to paper made from new
fiber. It is up to the paper manufacturers to choose the materials that
will give the best results.
Sometimes using new fiber gives optimum results and sometimes using recycled fiber is preferable. The manufacturer will have to make the decision that will result in using the smallest quantity of resources to fill the need of the customers.
Educate your kids early so that they will grow up to be responsible for the planet they inhabit. And we, as consumers, can do our part by recycling paper. We can also opt not to use paper when we have other options.
Sometimes using new fiber gives optimum results and sometimes using recycled fiber is preferable. The manufacturer will have to make the decision that will result in using the smallest quantity of resources to fill the need of the customers.
Educate your kids early so that they will grow up to be responsible for the planet they inhabit. And we, as consumers, can do our part by recycling paper. We can also opt not to use paper when we have other options.
Order your newspaper subscriptions online. Read pages on
your computer screen instead of printing them out. Never print anything
on your computer unless it is necessary. 9 times out of 10, you will
see no real need to print. Conserve and recycle instead. It feels good
to be conscientious.
Find a place to recycle paper near you...
Find a place to recycle paper near you...
Another advantage of paper recycling is that it reduces solid waste. If not recycled, waste papers that are taken to landfills take up space. It takes time for them to decompose, releasing a harmful greenhouse gas called methane in the process.
ReplyDeleteRecycling allows used products to be converted into raw materials that can be utilized for manufacturing processes. The process of recycling requires abundant man power for transporting, assembling, breaking down and so on. Furthermore, recycling processes create job openings.
ReplyDeleteRecycling helps to conserve resources for future generations. By using recycled products, the present generation reduces consumption of natural resources to make newer products, and, hence, there are more resources available in the future.